Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and Colorful New Year!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

"Artful Affirmations" © for the HoliDAZE and the gift of PRESENCE!

The holidays are a busy time of year and we often get so caught up in the flurry of activities that we forget to pause, to breathe, to practice being in the present moment.  This holiday season, I challenge you to give the "gift of presence."  By giving your loved ones, your friends, your family, your neighbor, co-worker, or even a stranger your time and full attention (even just for a moment), you are giving them the "gift of presence."  You are saying to them "you matter," "I am listening," "I understand,"  "I value you."  You are showing them love, compassion, connection, and validation.  What better gift can one receive? 

The "gift of presence" is a gift you can give to yourself as well!  Not only will you feel satisfied, connected, fulfilled when you give this gift to others, but when you give this gift to yourself, you will feel centered, grounded, grateful.  Try to pause for a moment here and there throughout your busy HoliDAZE.  Instead of going full speed ahead, multi-tasking to the max on auto-pilot and wandering around in a daze, slow down and be aware of your surroundings, your feelings, the moment.  Sneak in some quiet time to read or reflect.  Give yourself permission to drop something off your "to do" list.  Unplug from the internet, TV, etc. and reconnect with yourself, your family, your loved ones in person.

Recently, I had the pleasure of hosting another monthly art workshop, "Artful Affirmations" © for the HoliDAZE and the gift of PRESENCE!  During this workshop, we focused on the importance of being present in the moment as we created visual reminders of our intentions for the holidays.  It was a fun, festive evening of friendship and creativity.  Thank you to Anne Marie, Jaci, Kathy, Carrie, and Melissa for giving me the gift of your presence and creating such unique and wonderful "Artful Affirmations" ©.

In an effort to follow my own advice, I am going to try and remain off-line as much as possible during the holidays, so I can better focus on the present moment and the miracles that surround me.  Merry Christmas! xxoo  ~jackie

Student artwork by: Carrie, Kathy, Jaci, Anne Marie, and Melissa