I got a little behind in my painting and posting for my “50 to 50 project.” Here is painting 6/50 “Exhale”.
This intuitive painting began one afternoon in December. I was already stressing out about the holidays when my youngest daughter’s health issues flared up again. We were led to believe that a surgery was in her near future. I was in major freak-out mode and needed to de-stress, so I grabbed some paint and a blank canvas, turned on some music and let my mind rest and my heart play. With intuitive painting, you don’t begin with a pre-conceived image or outcome. You simply put brush, fingers, etc to the canvas and let your intuition and intentions guide the way. It’s no surprise that what emerged for me after several layers was the word “exhale” — a message I desperately needed to hear at the moment. It’s also no coincidence that the image that appeared bared some resemblance to my daughter.
Luckily, just before Christmas we got the great news that my daughter did not need surgery! Miracle or mistake—maybe a little of both. Either way, my family and I were overjoyed and relieved! We were able to put our stress (and my painting) aside and enjoy the holidays. After enjoying a “second holiday” thanks to the recent blizzard, I was feeling like I was finally caught up on everything and that I could actually breathe again. Then we had our follow up visit. It was recommended that my daughter undergo another test, this one more invasive. Even though it’s not a life threatening illness or a major surgery we are facing, as a mom, it is still very stressful. Immediately I started to tense up and go into worry mode.

It was time to go back to the canvas and finish what I started, or at least pick up where I left off. Some new details and words emerged. More reminders for me during this stressful time: “breathe out fear and doubt, breathe in love and joy!” Hopefully, I will be able to follow the message in my painting and focus on my breathing…remembering to Exhale…to breathe out fear and doubt and breathe in love and joy! Hoping and praying that my daughter’s procedure will go well and that her health issues will soon be resolved! Maybe this painting will bring comfort to her as well. Not sure if I’m done with this painting or not, but for now I will set it aside and allow it to be a gentle reminder, knowing I can always return to it when I feel called. Sharing this very personal story and painting a face (which I tend to avoid) were both big LEAPs for me (My word of the year). Thank you for allowing me to share. Remember to Exhale… xoxo jackie