My theme for January is JOURNEY. I love the idea of starting each new year with a clean slate and blank canvas! It's empowering to know that as the new year begins, we have another opportunity to create the life of our dreams!
This year I am continuing my artistic JOURNEY and celebrating a year of hosting Art Parties in my home! When embarking on a journey, don't underestimate the importance of beginning where you ARE and with what you have at the moment. Several years ago, I dreamt of opening up a shop where I could teach art workshops and host art parties. I investigated several options, including buying into a "Wine & Design" franchise. I decided I was not ready to make that type of financial or time commitment just yet. Instead, I decided to take a small step from where I was and with what I had available to me at the moment. I had an overwhelming desire to share my ideas, creativity, and art supplies. I had a basement and a network of friends. Thus began my monthly Art Parties where we "Create & Celebrate Artful Affirmations!" If I had waited until I had the exact amount of time, money, or space, I never would have started. My dreams would still be circling in my head instead of pouring from my heart and taking flight. So please, don't defer your dream. Take a step forward, even if you are unsure about the direction or the destination. Each new step you take will bring greater opportunities and greater growth. That, you can be sure about!
This month's Art Party brought the theme of JOURNEY to life! A great group of women joined me to dream about and discuss their journeys as we set our intentions for the new year! I can't wait to see what wonderful things manifest in the lives of these courageous women as they set out on their new paths. Their beautiful artwork is below. Thank you Anne Marie, Jolene, Karen, Renate, Melissa, and Yoon!
Where is your JOURNEY taking YOU this year? I hope it is in the direction of your DREAMS! Begin where you ARE and safe travels!